Watch lessons more than one time so you get the full understanding of the actions to take to boost your credit scores as fast as possible. When disputing accounts on your credit report, Federal Laws state that you have to give the credit bureaus/creditors/collection agencies 30 days from the time they receive your letter, to respond therefore Modules will open up every 30 days. If for some reason you have technical issues, you can reach out to my team at: [email protected]. We will respond within 1 to 2 business days.
Welcome to Guiding Hands Credit Masterclass.
Our Credit Master Class is a proven and tested “Do It Yourself” course. This Masterclass will teach you a step-by-step process that leads to reaching your financial goals.
It doesn't matter if you lack computer skills, this course is easy to follow. Everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this online software.
Guiding Hands Master Class
is for the person who wants to buy a home, rent a home, buy a car, obtain credit cards, or start a business but you cannot do so because of their credit scores. :(
Here's a huge problem you face right now. It's thinking you can't do this on your own. You do not need to hire an expensive professional to reach your financial goals! But that's not the end of your problems…
What makes this even worse is that you were never taught how to manage finances in school or as an adult!
All this can make trying to get the credit score, savings, and life you deserve a nightmare! But luckily for you...
There's now a solution!
For only $25 a month, you can change your financial life by repairing your own credit report.